Our Philanthropist donor Late Sheth Dhanjisha Rustamji Umrigar had donated a vast land for educational purpose. Our Trustee Late Shree Gopalji Umrigar with his efforts laid the foundation stone for our Pre-Primary Section on 31st March 1991.Today our school Sheth Dhanjisha Rustamji Umrigar Memorial School has become very vast and prominent in Surat city.
At UNNATI ENGLISH ACADEMY, we believe that parents, teachers and the society are responsible for creating the right environment, conducive to inculcating the right values, a perfect attitude and true knowledge. Keeping this in mind, along with our previous experience of running Sheth Dhanjisha Rustomji Umrigar Memorial School (GSEB) for twenty five years
Read More »“An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t.”
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